Hariket Sheth - Full Stack Developer, Software Developer & Tech Enthusiast
Hi, I am Hariket Sukesh Kumar Sheth. Aspiring Software Developer with expertise in Web Development, DSA, Data Science, & Cloud Deployment. Ranked number 1 in BTech CSE, have a strong academic background in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Detail-oriented, responsible, and have a proven track record of delivering high-quality software products on time. Passionate about solving complex problems and collaborating with cross-functional teams to develop innovative solutions.

Featured Projects
Fasaan • Envisioning Farms for Future
Agriculture is a very significant contributor to the Indian economy.Farmers' most prevalent problem is that they are unable to make informed decisions on which crops are supported in their areas, as well as market and profit prices, which lead to lower productivity and less profit margins. This project is made using React, Typescript, Tailwind CSS, NodeJS and Firebase
Athena • Article Repository Management System
Athena aspires to become a strong center for educational excellence capable of responding to emerging educational challenges and needs in a fast changing society. Athena is a content management system with full fledged Admin Dashboard, content reviewal system. It is made using LAMP Stack and integrated it with MERN Stack sub projects for Video Conferencing and Chat Rooms Features.
Epitomia • Learn from Anywhere Anytime
This project includes implementation of a Teacher-Student Learning Management System. It includes features such as Assignment Creation & submission, Music Player, Timed Quizzes, and Connecting Students to Online Meeting Portal. Teachers can schedule assignments and integrate it with Google Classroom for automatic Class meeting Links generation, they can secure the meeting by allowing join only via Epitomia portal.
- Company
- Software Dev Summer Fellow
- Role
- MLH Fellowship
- Date
- Company
- Summer of Code (GSSoC)
- Role
- Girlscript Foundation
- Date
- Company
- Backend Developer & System Architect
- Role
- Linguee Global Solutions
- Date
- Company
- Samsung PRISM Developer
- Role
- Samsung India
- Date
- Company
- STEM Connect Program
- Role
- Deloitte
- Date
- Company
- International Rover Design Challenge (IRDC)
- Role
- Mars Society South Asia
- Date
Positions of Responsibility
- Company
- Beta Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador
- Role
- Microsoft India
- Date
- Company
- UNICEF India Youth Worker
- Role
- UNICEF India
- Date
- Company
- Technical (Programming) Lead
- Role
- IoTHINC VIT Chennai
- Date
- Company
- Program Representative (B.Tech. CSE)
- Role
- VIT Chennai
- Date
- Company
- Team Captain
- Role
- Technocrats Robotics VIT
- Date
- Company
- Project Admin
- Role
- Girlscript Summer of Code
- Date
- Company
- Open Source Project Lead
- Role
- GDSC VIT Chennai
- Date