Projects I have made so far. Each one unique from the other
I’ve worked on tons of little projects over the years but these are the ones that I’m most proud of. Many of them are open-source, so if you see something that piques your interest, check out the code and contribute if you have ideas for how it can be improved.
Fasaan • Envisioning Farms for Future
Agriculture is a very significant contributor to the Indian economy.Farmers most prevalent problem is that they are unable to make informed decisions on which crops are supported in their areas, as well as market and profit prices, which lead to lower productivity and less profit margins. This project is made using React, Typescript, Tailwind CSS, NodeJS and Firebase
Athena • Article Repository Management System
Athena aspires to become a strong center for educational excellence capable of responding to emerging educational challenges and needs in a fast changing society. Athena is a content management system with full fledged Admin Dashboard, content reviewal system. It is made using LAMP Stack and integrated it with MERN Stack sub projects for Video Conferencing and Chat Rooms Features.
Travis • Advanced Lane Detection System
Modern Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Self-Driving Systems development techniques for lane recognition are deep learning based. However, these techniques disregard the form of particular curvy lanes and only identify lane lines with hazy boundary boxes. Travis therefore aims at identifying 12 different kinds of Lanes alongwith features to detect incoming, outgoing vehicles and also Traffic signs
Orion • Progress Tracking Discord Bot
A discord bot for effective Progress tracking in large and distributed Teams. With added features, this bot helps users create Polls, Action Items with custom templates. This bot can be run 24x7 by using contanerisation tools such as Docker and can be integrated with some authorisation based roles in Docker so that only specific persons can generate Standups, Retrospectives and Polls. Templates feature added to reduct time and efforts.
Epitomia • Learn from Anywhere Anytime
This project includes implementation of a Teacher-Student Learning Management System. It includes features such as Assignment Creation & submission, Music Player, Timed Quizzes, and Connecting Students to Online Meeting Portal. Teachers can schedule assignments and integrate it with Google Classroom for automatic Class meeting Links generation, they can secure the meeting by allowing join only via Epitomia portal.